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Radio Omnicor

Sep 22, 2018

In studio today we welcome Dr Hilton Rudnick, Omnicor’s MD and Cullen McKenzie also known as the white Zulu.

Cullen s a polyglot with a background in Classics (Latin and Greek), and a total of 7 years in various classrooms (from Grade 6 through to Post-grad) working in various languages - Latin, Greek, English and Zulu. He was raised bilingual Zulu and English, and speak a total of 6 languages to fairly high fluency. He has worked as a translator and interpreter in isiZulu, for the past 15 years, and has been teaching it for about that long. 

Cullen is currently finishing his Zulu sci-fi novella, ukuThintana. He is currently teaching isiZulu to about 25 adults and 5 school-age learners, and Omnicor on a weekly basis. 

In his day job, he works as a researcher for an educational NGO, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating for the organisation